Clerk Operation & PSI

Clerk Operation & PSI Planning Country Office ABC

The Clerk will be responsible for mostly independent demand forecasting and procurement in the Country market for Computer Systems.

He will take charge of the consolidation, preparation and analysis of local purchasing and sales figures (PSI), will chair the Division's monthly PSI meetings and enter the results into the internal planning systems.

He will take charge of the constant monitoring of production and delivery planning of Company-owned production sites and of external suppliers, and will, if the need be, initiate corrections to these with the aim of achieving optimal stock levels and product availability.

He will be in charge of informing the internal organization on current changes to product availability and possibly occurring delivery deadline deviations. Furthermore, his tasks will include the review of inbound deliveries and invoices of external suppliers, including payment release. He will prepare suggestions for the pricing of end-of-life products, will produce specified reports and statistics, and will coordinate the payment of fees for the returns of aged deviceIn addition.

He will take over tasks in supporting order processing, if the need be.

The tasks will be performed in a mostly independent manner. Methods for more complex tasks will be coordinated with his superior. Work results will be reviewed on a regular basis.


Vocational commercial training with several years of business experience.


3 to 5 years in an international sales organization of High Tech industry.



Anmerkung der Redaktion: Studieren Sie die obige Job Description im Hinblick auf Terminologie und Bedeutungsinhalte, um zu verstehen, was von Ihnen bei der vorliegenden Position erwartet wird.

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Ist die Position überwiegend technisch oder kaufmännisch ausgerichtet, und woran ist das zu erkennen?

Sind im Vergleich zu anderen Job Descriptions Über- beziehungsweise Unterordnungsverhältnisse innerhalb der Linienorganisation und/oder Matrixorganisation (cross-functionality) zu erkennen?


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