Sales Representative

Sales Representative ABC

The Sales Representative will be in charge of mainly independent sales of Storage Device Products within defined sales segments in designated countries.

The sales segments may encompass: Sales through distributors, to OEM customers and system integrators, sales to multi-national key accounts or to strategic OEM customers / potentials in non-PC business.

He will plan the sales strategy for his area in close cooperation with his superior and will produce strategies for the implementation of sales goals.He will be in charge of the achievement of sales goals.

He will support customers through conducting training and consultation. Furthermore, he will support the distributors concerning their local sales strategies and their expansion and will be pro-active in increasing sales results.

He will be the point of contact in the communication with customers and will be in charge of disseminating customer-specific requirements and specifications to Product Management. He will be in charge of the coordination and support of all pre- and post-sales activities relevant to customers and of customer adherence to payment terms.

He will acquire new orders in coordination with his superior and will prepare the acquisition of new distributors.

The tasks will be performed in a mostly independent manner. Methods for more complex tasks will be coordinated with his superior. Work results will be reviewed on a regular basis.


Commercial or technical vocational training including key skills and several years of professional experience.


3 to 5 years in an international sales organization of High Tech industry.



Anmerkung der Redaktion: Studieren Sie die obige Job Description im Hinblick auf Terminologie und Bedeutungsinhalte, um zu verstehen, was von Ihnen bei der vorliegenden Position erwartet wird.

Vergleichen Sie die Inhalte dieser Job Description mit anderen Stellenbeschreibungen in diesem Abschnitt. Wie steht es mit der Leitungsebene, Personalverantwortung oder Handlungsrahmen?

Ist die Position überwiegend technisch oder kaufmännisch ausgerichtet, und woran ist das zu erkennen?

Sind im Vergleich zu anderen Job Descriptions Über- beziehungsweise Unterordnungsverhältnisse innerhalb der Linienorganisation und/oder Matrixorganisation (cross-functionality) zu erkennen?



Man kann einem anderen nichts beibringen; man kann ihm nur helfen, es in sich selbst zu finden.

Galileo Galilei

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