Marketing Co-ordinator Junior

Marketing Co-ordinator Research CS EMEA Junior

The Co-ordinator will be in charge of tasks concerning the preparation of decision-making materials for product planning and pricing of Computer Systems within a pre-defined, narrow scope in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) sales region.

This will include collaboration in gathering and preparing information on customers, markets, sales channels and competition that are relevant to IT branches of industry.

Based on clearly formulated tasks he will produce sales analyses on Toshiba and competitors, on PC market and business trends.

He will collaborate with pan-European market research centers, i.e. Gartner Group, GfK, IDC, Context Canalys etc., and will produce reports on market research findings and trend analyses.

Based on clearly formulated tasks he will take charge of activities in gathering information within the VOC ('Voice of Customer') program.

The tasks are mostly structured and will be achieved based on guidelines. He will be guided in producing suggestions for exceptional tasks that surpass existing guidelines, and will implement such in coordination with his superior.


A university or college degree in business administration majoring in marketing or in IT.


Less than 3 years, preferably in an international sales organization of High Tech industry.


Nichts kann Ausdauer ersetzen. Begabung nicht; begabte aber nicht erfolgreiche Menschen gibt es zur Genüge. Genie nicht; nicht erkannte Genies gibt es zur Genüge. Bildung nicht; die Welt ist voller gebildeter Wracks. Allein Ausdauer und Entschlossenheit sind allmächtig.

Calvin Coolidge

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