Clerk Order Taking Senior

Clerk Order Taking/Purchase Spare Parts Country  Office CS Senior

The Senior Clerk will independently work more comprehensive tasks, also such that surpass routine, in the processing of purchase orders and in the procurement of spare parts for Computer Systems on the Swiss market.


This will include the entire scope of administrative processing from checking and entry of purchase orders from customers or from internal service technicians, to availability checking, if need be, procurement from appropriate Company organization units or from 3rd party suppliers up to delivery.

He will manage the spare parts stock and monitor short-term planning of stock levels. He will offer council to customers and internal service technicians within the scope of communications and will clarify even complex issues and problems (in regard to product or delivery).

He will be responsible for producing statistics and reports and will stand in for the Head of Service in commercial issues during his absence.

The tasks will be performed in an independent manner. He will coordinate methods for highly complex tasks with his superior. General guidance will include periodic review of principle tasks.


Vocational commercial training.


More than 4 years.


Anmerkung der Redaktion: Studieren Sie die obige Job Description im Hinblick auf Terminologie und Bedeutungsinhalte, um zu verstehen, was von Ihnen bei der vorliegenden Position erwartet wird.

Vergleichen Sie die Inhalte dieser Job Description mit anderen Stellenbeschreibungen in diesem Abschnitt. Wie steht es mit der Leitungsebene, Personalverantwortung oder Handlungsrahmen?

Ist die Position überwiegend technisch oder kaufmännisch ausgerichtet, und woran ist das zu erkennen?

Sind im Vergleich zu anderen Job Descriptions Über- beziehungsweise Unterordnungsverhältnisse innerhalb der Linienorganisation und/oder Matrixorganisation (cross-functionality) zu erkennen?


Wahres Wissen ist, das eigene Unwissen zu kennen.


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