Head Service Country Office CS
The Head of Office will have the operative responsibility for central repair activities and for spare parts provisions for Computer Systems on the Country market.
This will include the coordination and management of service staff and of spare parts staff and maintenance of quality and economic activities.
He will support and decide in dubious cases in processing cost appraisals and invoices as well as on honoring repair activities as warranty or reprimand cases and on the replacement of devices.
He will take charge of monitoring departmental IS systems and will ensure their synchronization with higher level systems.
He will be responsible for the statistics and the reporting. Furthermore, his area of responsibility will include ensuring telephone council and support of service customers for technical issues.
Staff reporting to him will be managed based on objectives. He will decide on measures for the improvement of their technological and social skills together with his staff, and will ensure transfer of such to daily routines.
Management by his superior will be determined by defined principles and guidelines. Current programs and goals will be coordinated and decided upon with his superior, whereby the Head of Office will have freedom of decision in work flow and methods.
Vocational technical training in electronics with additional qualification and several years of vocational experience.
More that 5 years in High Tech industry
Anmerkung der Redaktion: Studieren Sie die obige Job Description im Hinblick auf Terminologie und Bedeutungsinhalte, um zu verstehen, was von Ihnen bei der vorliegenden Position erwartet wird.
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Ist die Position überwiegend technisch oder kaufmännisch ausgerichtet, und woran ist das zu erkennen?
Sind im Vergleich zu anderen Job Descriptions Über- beziehungsweise Unterordnungsverhältnisse innerhalb der Linienorganisation und/oder Matrixorganisation (cross-functionality) zu erkennen?