Ratgeber für MicroUnternehmen

Organising a Workday For Best Results

Organising a workday is a task that is best done the day before as it means that when you start your new day you are not having to waste time thinking about what you did yesterday. Most people often have one or two jobs that did not get completed and which need to be taken over to the next day and that is easier to do if organised that day.

Organising a Workday

Here are some simple but effective steps to having our day planned and ready to go when you start your day fresh.

1. Write into your diary the 'must do' jobs like meetings with set times and appointments you have

2. Diarise your breaks (essential for good work attitude)

3. On a separate piece of paper list the 'to do jobs' (not including those in number 1)

4. Prioritise these jobs and diarise the 'must do jobs' first up

5. Before you diarise the balance of the jobs separate out the ones you don't like doing and diarise these after the 'must do jobs' and this way you will be doing them while you are still fresh

6. Diarise time for the balance of the jobs

It is essential that you get the 'must do jobs' out of the way as early as possible in the day when organising a workday because this way you will be relieving the stress from your job.

If you are a person who has constant interruption because of your particular job, then block out some time in the day when you do not get interruptions so that you can complete specific jobs that must be done. Usually early in the morning is a good idea while fresh and then the problems are not carried over into the day's work. For your own personal stress levels this may even mean a person has to put in an extra half hour or so and it is well worth it when organising a day.



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Ihr Einkommen ist eine direkte Belohnung für die Qualität und Quantität der Dienstleistungen, die Sie der Welt anbieten. Egal in welchem Bereich Sie arbeiten, falls Sie Ihr Einkommen verdoppeln wollen, müssen Sie einfach die zur Erzielung des Einkommens aufgebrachte Tätigkeit in Quantität und Qualität verdoppeln. Oder Sie wechseln in eine andere Tätigkeit und Beschäftigung, so dass was Sie tun doppelt soviel einbringt.

Brian Tracy

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