Persönliches Wachstum

The Human Memory

Memory is a term that refers to how humans store, recall and retain data. Everything we do relies on the memory we have. There are four different types of memory: long term, short term, sensory, and working. Each memory types serves a different purpose and is needed to make it through our daily lives.
Sensory memory refers to the few seconds that follows you seeing an object. When looking at something briefly and understanding its details, sensory memory is performing its function.

Short term memory, which is also called primary or active memory is the capacity for holding information, which is readily available, for a short amount of time. Short term memory is thought be within seconds. The information stored here disappears after a short amount of time.

Working memory is a form of short term memory. It has a limited space that is needed to perform certain mental tasks. Working memory is the ability to actively hold information in the mind needed to do complex tasks such as reasoning, comprehension and learning. Tasks that require working memory are goal oriented where there is a manipulation or monitoring of behaviors or information where there are interferences and distracting factors.

Short term memory and working memory have some similarities. Both are stored for around twenty to thirty seconds, and are easily recalled, and once recalled they disappear.

Long term memory stores information for a very long time. Information stays in your long term memory for possibly several years and takes longer to recall than short term, working or sensory memory. This information stays with your for a long period of time.

The human memory is a simple concept, but it is not simply to explain. Our memory helps everything we do on a daily basis. Every single thing we do requires the use of one of the types of our memory.


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