Our Latin formula word R-A-D-I-O-D-I-C-O, depending on where you start, has the following meanings:
ora dio dic, as in: pray, by means of heaven, say;
- cor adi odi, as in: heart go, I hated;
- radio dico, as in: through the Ray I speak, and, of course, linguistic;
- dico radio, as in: I speak, I shine.
Many more meanings lie within,
i.e. ora means the mouths, faces; dio also means: through God. These are all of meanings, that are unimportant in the end and are nonsense quite often when reading the formulation from a different starting point. However, it is as in a slip of the tongue or as in a dream, which is also often full of nonsense, but from which psychoanalysis often derives an important but hidden sense. It is not the single significance which is exercised, but rather the composite, uniform and clear vocal formulation. Decomposing at the interfaces only serves scientific reasoning and intellectual understanding of the formula words' structures. These, namely, are structured in the same way as the unconscious is. All compound conceptions do not supply any consciously constructible sense, but rather an important though hidden message, regardless of their being quite similar to the nonsense found in the conceptions derived from dreams.
After all, and as mentioned above, the analyst straightforwardly derived actual sense (hidden within) from the nonsense. We find support in the intellectual understanding of these formula words, which are at the limits of vocalization, because we are living in times in which we have grown accustomed to the intellect and to science, rather than to the primal beliefs of earlier times. In those days we obeyed to entities, i.e. to God or one of His representatives, which are not suitable nowadays. In a recent publication of mine, I stressed that founders of religion probably even used similar meditation as in using the formula words described here. They just didn't explain them in a scientific manner, nor use them in that way, and thus were not able to express themselves in just that matter. They were only able to experience these as being devine. However, psycho analysts haven't perceived the structure of the unconscious in exactly that way, nor have they used it in that way.
Formula words correspond exactly to the unconscious, of which Lacan says: that it is "structured like a language, like the OTHER's language". In the end, the unconscious is seemingly geometrically composed by such combinatorics of the SHINES / SPEAKS, one could almost say: hieroglyphic, as with image --word --symbols. This is not only known to us from the image --word --symbols of dreams, which Freud described as the "via regia" to the unconscious, but this can also be observed in simple slips of the tongue. Heinrich Heine, for example, told the story of the man wanted to brag with his acquaintance to the wealthy Baron Rothschild. The man wanted to say that he was "familiar" with the Baron, however he said: "I am so famillionaire with him". The truth, namely that he was fascinated with the millions, simply slipped out from his unconscious. And, the same way that "famillionaire" contains multiple meanings, namely being familiar with and the millions (and revelation of greed), formula words also contain three or more image-like meanings (conceivabilities). The method of analytic psychocatharsis is reciprocal to the slip of tongue in the above mentioned example, namely: it is active and constructive. With the formula word only composing a formulation, even though there are multiple meanings in such a formulation, or course-of-words, it arouses the unconscious.
- fa mil i ar
- mil li on aire
- fa mil li on aire
Illustration 2: Multiple layers of three meanings written underneath each other and corresponding to their intonation-illustrative structure.
Autor: Dr. Günter von Hummel
Übersetzung: Rudolf J. Osler