Persönliches Wachstum

Freedom of Will or pre - defined Role I

Hits: 391

Freedom of will is literally what we choose of our own volition to do. Our pre-defined role is the role we are forced into by our demographics and our society. Pre-defined roles can also be selected but then become a constraint, locking people into a specific life script once one has selected.


Freedom of Will or pre - defined Role III

Hits: 398

The Internet has provided a view into alternate ways of life from around the world. Individuals can choose to carry their old traditions and rules into new environments. There are recorded cases of Muslim families angry with female relatives for chatting with men on social networking sites.


Stressing Mutual Dreams and Values

Hits: 411


In the bringing of his 2004 keynote speech, Barack Obama manifested salient purpose of body language. His assured walk, squared shoulders, and high position reached out out to the group discussion, prepared the tone, and displayed a positive give-and-take with the viewing public.


Strong Impressionen

Hits: 404

A commencement appearance is a critically shaping moment. The point one person first moves into the proximity of another, an sentiment is formed.


The Human Memory

Hits: 433
Memory is a term that refers to how humans store, recall and retain data. Everything we do relies on the memory we have. There are four different types of memory: long term, short term, sensory, and working. Each memory types serves a different purpose and is needed to make it through our daily lives.



Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back.

Thomas Sowell

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